Trapped in telitubie land of horror

now this is a story of a man named stanley who was trapped with telitubies once
THE END jk ok lets start stanley was once infront of his tv watching a tv show when suddenly a bunch of telitubies poped out stanley had heart attack and somehow lived has science gone too far? anyways he had a heart attack and a teletubie said get that mofo thay dragged him into the horors of the teletubie land and then the narrator talks:one day in teletubie land pow spilled the tubby custard and then dipsy arived and said somnom billed the stubby lubster to annoy stanley beacause stanley was watching forcefooly in the eye of theyre king THE INFAMOUS BABY SUN but did stanley realize dat how do i no go ask him but the illuminati was with him and a spooky skeleton 2 the skeleton shaid 2spooky4me while teh lominarty umm... uh...the illuminati was rescood by a ninja frum da ninjaland of course but there in the tubby land was evil patrixxxx who was capturd BUT the tuby tubys didnt say tuby k back 2da tuby land hm hm one day lala was walking downdastrait she was ran over by a kart teh guy in der gut awt o da ca he said am sooo sawy...JUST KIDDING BISH ten lala said watid u say nigaaaa da driver ran away n screamed like ohmer simsin whal runin he saw pow wida bazooka while saying gotcha bishand then teh episode ens now bak2stanly anda spoopy jack skelington... they both died? nope.chuktesteciles back2da final episoda ot tennistubys one day pw spiled da crupy cupturd and said oops i billed dat tubby bastud and evil patrixxxxx broke outa his pisson and esploded everyone wiz mikal pirate bay in slow motion and jumped ike spider man and den day road a majik spoon into da sunset
and everyone died
THE END realy this time